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Choose a simple way to assess immune status of Rubella in a few minutes. ELITex Bicolor Rubella is a latex slide agglutination test for the rapid detection of Rubella antibodies in serum. Simple visual reading, without expert interpretation: bi-colored latex reaction Fast results for clinicians 经济效益,常规实验室测试 Easy and ready-to-use High sensitivity and specificity 最后,我们的套件符合正负控制的所有安全要求。 Request a quote ELITex Bicolor Rubella Catalogue number(s) 04105.产品描述:Elitex Bicolor风疹测试数量:50 Request a quote Downloads ELITex Bicolor Rubella Brochure (EN) Already own this product? With the product code you gain access to the technical documents of this product. Instructions for use 特征 Specifications Related Products 有可能的使用 风疹是由风疹病毒引起的病毒疾病,通常是良性的,这些病毒疾病主要影响儿童,但在影响未免疫的孕妇时会导致严重的出生缺陷。 Therefore, it is important to know the immune status against rubella of all childbearing age women. Principle ELITex Bicolor Rubella is a direct agglutination slide test. The TEST LATEX, brown-colored, consists of latex particles sensitized with rubella antigen and suspended in a green dye. When rubella antibodies are present in the serum, red-brown agglutinates visible to the naked eye appear on a green background, together with a red edging. In the absence of specific antibodies (negative reaction), no agglutination appears and the suspension keeps its homogeneous brown colour. Handling is simple and fast. It is performed on pure serum and the results are obtained in 8 minutes. Simple methodology Easy-to-read and easy-to-interpret results The kit contains an internal quality control which allows observing a positive and a negative reaction as described below: Result Interpretation +:在绿色液体内形成红褐色凝聚物 风疹抗体的存在 - :没有凝集。悬浮液仍然是均匀的和棕色 Absence of rubella antibodies Reagents and material TEST LATEX: 1 vial of 0.5 mL of sensitized latex; 控制+:1小瓶含有0.2ml阳性对照; CONTROL -: 1 vial containing 0.2 mL of negative control; TEST CARD: 5 disposable reaction cards. Material required but not provided 自动移液管,其具有对测量的体积适应的吸移卷; Haemolysis tubes (for semi-quantitative method) PBS (Phosphate buffered saline 0.15M – pH 7.2) (for semi-quantitative method) 受污染的废物容器。 稳定性和储存 所有试剂都是即用的。 After opening, all reagents stored at 2-8°C, in their original state, are stable up to the expiry date indicated on the box. They must not be frozen, nor exposed to a strong light. Performance The results of two comparative studies between and an EC marked ELISA reagent show that offers a sensitivity of 98 % and specificity between 94.5 % and 98 %. The interpretation of results should take into account all epidemiologic and clinical data, as well as other biological results. 由于抗风疹免疫球蛋白的第一国际标准,人代码RUBI-1-94(1600 IU / ML)和第2英国标准NIBSC代码67/182(80 IU / ml),确定了每批的每批的敏感性阈值。。在IU / ml中表达的这种灵敏度在盒子上打印。 ELITex Bicolor Mono 乳胶滑动凝集试验,用于快速检测传染性单核细胞增多症抗体。 Elitex Bicolor RF. 乳胶滑动凝集试验检测血清样品中的类风湿因子。 ELITex Toxo Latex slide agglutination test for the rapid detection ofanti-Toxoplasmagondii antibodies in serum ELI.H.A Toxo Indirect hemagglutination test for serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis ELI.H.A RF Quantitative detection of Rheumatoid Factor in serum samples by indirect haemagglutination. WAALER-ROSE Bicolor Haemagglutination slide test for the detection of Rheumatoid Factor in serum samples. Strepto颜色 滑动血凝试验试验在血清中快速定性或半定量检测5次抗细胞功能亢进抗体。 How can we help you? For general inquiries please fill out the form on the right – for questions about specific products or pricing on products fill out the form on that product page. Someone will be in touch with you soon. Request typeGeneral inquiryProduct information服务引用Request to be contacted by our local representative ProfileLaboratory医院实验室Supplier新闻/媒体Other May we send you emails in the future?*By clicking yes you sign up to our newsletter. 是的不 By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Company 118金宝搏抽水 接触 Careers 消息 请注意。本网站包含有关针对广泛观众的产品的信息,并且可以包含产品详细信息或在您所在国家/地区无法访问或有效的产品。 © 2022 ELITechGroup Privacy Policy 使用条款 Facebook 推特 LinkedIn YouTube Menu 这个网站使用功能性饼干nd external scripts to improve your experience.Privacy policy My settings Accept 隐私设置 Required COOKIEs Functional COOKIEs 隐私设置 这个网站使用功能性饼干nd external scripts to improve your experience. Which COOKIEs and scripts are used is specified on the left. You may change your settings at any time. Your choices will not impact your visit. 笔记:These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. 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