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It’s scary to think about the harm that might be done to those using these medications and products, and it’s a wake-up call for the rest of the world. In their report, WHO claims it has received approximately 1,500 reports of substandard or falsified medical products since 2013 in parts of Africa, the Americas, and even Europe. While many of these products have been either antibiotics or antimalarials, it extends beyond just those items. There are all kinds of fake medications floating around out there in the world that are doing little to help the people taking them. Meanwhile, these people are using them to treat conditions as serious as cancer, and it is leading to unnecessary illnesses and even deaths. As part of its report, WHO conducted a study that utilized about 100 published research papers related to medicine quality. It found that about 1 of every 10 medical products used in low and middle-income countries are problematic and not doing what it’s supposed to. Part of this is because there are some people and companies purposely selling these products, but part of it is also because some companies don’t have the equipment necessary to produce products that actually work.Additionally, WHO believes there isn’t enough regulation taking place in certain parts of the world. WHO is calling on governments in every part of the world to look into this problem and find a way to fix it. No one should fall ill or die because of substandard medical products. It’s on the governments to find ways to put practices in place to prevent companies from selling items that won’t actually help people. It’s a problem that can be solved, but it’s going to take a lot of effort to do it. EliTech Group is a worldwide manufacturer and we provide in vitro diagnostic solutions for laboratories.接触ustoday to learn more about what it is that we do. : EliTech Group,Falsified Medical Products,International Medical Research,Medical News,Substandard Medical Products Related Posts Smartphones Are Versatile Diagnostic Tools October 11, 2017 突出显示蒸气压驱动器 March 17, 2017 New Vaccine Battles Aids July 28, 2017 Careers Support & Service Subsidiaries Operations Distributors Worldwide ELITechGroup Offices How can we help you? For general inquiries please fill out the form on the right – for questions about specific products or pricing on products fill out the form on that product page. Someone will be in touch with you soon. --- Request typeGeneral inquiryProduct information服务引用Request to be contacted by our local representative ProfileLaboratoryHospital laboratorySupplier媒体 /媒体Other May we send you emails in the future?*By clicking yes you sign up to our newsletter. 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